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Monument of Hungary’s National Identity


Andrássy Avenue, Millennium Monument, Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of Contemporary Art


Heroes Square is one of Budapest’s most iconic landmarks, located at the end of the famous Andrássy Avenue. It’s a vast square with several attractions that visitors can explore.


One of the most prominent attractions within Heroes’ Square is the Millennium Monument, which was erected in 1896 to commemorate Hungary’s 1000th anniversary. The monument features several prominent figures from Hungarian history, including King Saint Stephen and other important rulers and leaders.

Another attraction within Heroes’ Square is the Museum of Fine Arts, which houses an impressive collection of artwork from around the world. The museum’s collection includes works by famous artists such as Raphael, El Greco, and Rembrandt.

Visitors can also explore the Palace of Art, which is home to the Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art. The museum features works by modern and contemporary artists from Hungary and around the world, making it a must-visit for art lovers.

Heroes Square is also a popular destination for events and festivals throughout the year, including the annual Budapest Wine Festival and the Christmas Market. Visitors can enjoy local food, drinks, and entertainment while taking in the stunning surroundings of the square.


Heroes’ Square’s rich history, impressive architecture, and world-class museums and galleries make it a popular attraction for tourists and locals alike. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience the beauty and culture of this iconic landmark.